Nibbling Toward a Grocery Tax

The 2% grocery tax fell flat, so the legislature is now imposing a 7.35% tax on certain foods at the grocery store.

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The New Tax Math for People Living in High-Tax States

State income tax makes people move out.

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NY vs. FL: Tax differences

Property tax rate: FL 9.8 mills, CT 20.7 mills.   Median cost of a house: FL $179K, CT $270K.

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Farmington medical company set to leave CT

Moving nearly 150 Connecticut jobs to Richmond, Virginia or Jacksonville, Florida.

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Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs Under Tax Cuts

When will Hartford listen?

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What Good is a Transportation Lockbox?

CT DOT will no longer report $250 million in transportation spending as “administrative costs” and instead report it as “Expenditures for Non-Transportation Services.”

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The Courage to Say NO to TOLLS

The Courage to Say NO to TOLLS

Pro Toll advocates, Berritt and Goldrick, have been relentless in their attack of toll opponents. Now they are now targeting those Hartford democratic legislators they…

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Will a New Tax Stop Connecticut’s Brain Drain?

Legislature expects “mansion tax” to raise $6.3M; same group expects plastic bag tax to raise $27M.

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Jobs Slide Extends to Third Month

For the year, Connecticut is down 0.2% while Massachusetts is at 0.8% job growth and the U.S. overall is at 0.8% growth.

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Fewer In-State Students at CT’s Public Universities

Prediction is that fewer graduates will remain in state after seeing tax bite.

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